1_Charm of Investment Trust, learning from its History
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Published on: 2022/12/16Show translation
第1回 投資信託の魅力 投資信託は、「誰でも・いつでも・少額からでも」始められる、とても便利で身近な金融商品です。世界中のさまざまなところで利用されている投資信託。その誕生は、19世紀後半にまで遡ります。イギリスで誕生し、アメリカで発展した投資信託、日本における誕生の歴史と併せて投資信託の魅力に触れて頂けると嬉しく存じます。 投資と投資信託の豆知識的解説も併せてお楽しみください。 Investment trusts are a very convenient and familiar financial producst that can be started by anyone, anytime, and with a small amount. Investment trusts are used all over the world. Their origin dates back to the late 19th century. We would be delighted if you could experience the charm of investment trusts together with the history of investment trusts, which were born in England and developed in the United States, and their birth in Japan. Please enjoy the trivia information on investment and investment trusts.