LUCID DREAMS : diaspora.

For this project, I aim to invite viewers into an immersive augmented reality experience where they enter my Lucid dreamscape that reflects my diasporic journey over here in Canada as an International Student all the way from Pakistan. Viewers witness a space filled with questions of belonging, unmade decisions haunting and entrapped in a void full of constant thoughts and flashbacks each expressing my emotions linked to homely memories. Journey begins from my current location, my room here in Canada that feels more like a trap. Connected to a railway track that further connects each scene, with a dimming candle in between referring to the passing time, the ache of separation and the prolonged awaited patience. Moving forward, the track leads to a space of mental confusion, stress and struggle, a void where I am torn between life here in Canada, with its responsibilities, the nostalgia of HOME, and back where I felt like at home with my family and freedoms. Leading towards, the last segment where this scene opens to a vast sea, where I imagine and ponder myself in a boat, sailing towards a distant light coming from a lighthouse symbolising hope and patience.Each scene is a glitch or glimpse into my close memories and the silent conversations that reside in my mind, (expressed through Sound) reflecting complexities of diaspora, struggling to balance reality and memory.