English (US)

The RetroReceiver

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Published on2023/12/10
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⏳What if your Future can communicate with your Past?⌛️ The RetroReceiver art installation is a Mixed Reality interpretation of the Tachyonic antitelephone - a hypothetical device in theoretical physics that could be used to send signals backwards into one's own past to influence the future. It is based on the thought experiment proposed by Albert Einstein that when signals can be sent at a speed that is Faster Than Light (FTL) it can create a paradox of causality. Quite interestingly, recent studies have demonstrated that the effect of an event can actually influence the cause of the event in the first place, contrary to what has been conventionally accepted :  that X (cause) influences Y (effect). Perhaps, it is also that Y (Future) influences X (Past). The RetroReceiver plays on this very idea of Quantum Mechanics and Retrocausality- weird, counter-intuitive and wonderful! It contemplates the theory and workings of the future Quantum Internet where information encoded in quantum particles (QUBITS) disappears from one location (experienced reality?) and is exactly recreated in another location far away (parallel reality?) and in the case of this project - messages sent into the past have to be re-created somewhere else! While the RetroReceiver manages to poke some gentle fun at this very idea of communicating with your past by provoking emotions such as - laughter, ridicule, awe, satire and lightheartedness…. on a more serious level it means to invoke an introspection and dialogue on: 1. the impact of Quantum Internet on current encryption systems 2. Data privacy and quantum-resistant / post-quantum cryptographic algorithms 3. Internet Freedoms 4. Cultural Responsibility in Technology 5. perhaps even the idea / possibility of Past-Future Entanglement Send your message now: https://tally.so/r/3jlYN9


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