FEMMES and THEMS room 2
FEMMES & THEMS: cast.org.au/femmes-thems/ Phoebe Thompson (they/them), hold me while I sleep, yarn, black thread, texta, pen, lipstick, my brothers shirt, the towel my grandmother embroidered, many-times slept-on pillow-case, used painting rags, 2019. Bachelor of Fine Art, RMIT School of Art. @pho_tho_ Daniel R Marks and Mohamed Chamas, The Protagonist, digital sculpture, 2020. danielrmarks.com/exxxxu Daniel R Marks (they/them), Paranoia Superstar II, single-channel video, 2021. PhD candidate, RMIT School of Art. danielrmarks.com rute chaves (they/them), caring / carrying, photo digital print on cotton drill, water based inks, 2021. PhD candidate, RMIT School of Fashion and Textiles. rutechaves.com IG: @rute_chaves_studio Adam Shimota (he/they), Distortion 1, digitised image, 2021. Distortion 2, digitised image, 2021. Bachelor of Arts (Photography), RMIT School of Art