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boat simulator

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Published on2024/04/19
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hi. this will probably only be read by my teachers, but I'm going to write it as if it's a work of art for everyone. i made this quickly, but I'm really really proud of how it turned out. that's not because i'm a genius, the technology makes it so easy and interesting to work with. i haven't been able to test the work in VR yet, but i would strongly recommend trying it in AR, using your phone. it's really something, because you need to physically explore in order to go out beyond your tiny bubble. the strange model geometry of the boat feels oddly tangible because you have to physically walk through where it was supposed to be. even though it's crude and not impressive, i actually think this is pretty cool, as a start. also, the title has an actual meaning, i didn't call it "boat simulator" out of laziness. umm, if u want me to explain the title, ask me.


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