C'est la vie, SHOGYO-MUJO(KMNZprize-ver)
'C'est la vie, SHOGYO-MUJO' is the winner of the KMNZ PRIZE at NEWVIEW AWARDS 2019 for VR. As a benefit of the KMNZ PRIZE, we created and presented a collaborative commercial video with virtual girls duo KMNZ. This scene is the VR space in which it takes place. <Recommendation PCVR> Please pull the VR controller(or mouse click) in front of this arcade game.You can play the game. (The web version does not support the ability to play the game. And the visuals are partially unavailable.) music: business casual https://soundcloud.com/business-casual/future-girlfriend-crazy-nights <KMNZ LITA> https://twitter.com/kmnzlita http://youtube.com/KMNZLITA <KMNZ LIZ> http://twitter.com/kmnzliz http://youtube.com/KMNZLIZ <official information> https://twitter.com/kmnstreet/status/1318492154524692480?s=21