3_Trusts - You wouldn't know it, but they are all around you
第3回 こんなところに信託が(現代日本の信託をいくつか紹介) 「信託って何?」「よく知らないけど...」 普段あまり馴染みのない「信託」かもしれませんが、実は私たちの身近な街の中、生活の中にたくさん使われていて、世の中でいろいろと役立っています。あの有名な建物や森林経営や街づくりなどにも使われ、私たちの年金でも信託の仕組みが多く活用されています。そう、信託は、私たちにとってとても身近な存在なのです」。 現代の信託利用事例をいくつか紹介しますので、是非、その魅力に触れてください。 “What is a Trust?” “I don’t really know…” You may not be very familiar with the concept of Trusts, however, they are essential to the very cities we live in, impact our daily lives, and benefit society in many different ways. For example, valuable and famous buildings are often managed under Trusts; our pensions are also frequently managed via Trusts. In addition, major infrastructure and natural areas such as forests and the formation of new towns & cities can be managed via Trust schemes. So, it’s a fact that Trusts are actually very essential to our lives and society. Please enjoy several examples of modern Trusts.