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Published on2024/04/28
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Sonic and visual languages are unique expressions of each animal's embodied sensory reality and experience. Perception and communication are embodied and subjective. There are so many different ways to see and hear the world. It is alive with communication. FOXP2 is an interdisciplinary, practice based research project about listening to and visualizing the voices of other species while thinking about the connections between our intersecting perceived worlds. The Styly iteration of FOXP2, built for Everywhen ISEA is a place where the voices of flying foxes and birds are stored in cold temperatures for preservation. This is part of of a larger project started as an art practice PhD at UNSW in Sydney, Australia under the supervision of Dr Lindsay Kelley, Douglas Kahn, and John McGhee. This project is a continuation of artistic research on animal voices as 3D visualizations started in 2007 in Quebec by carving the sound waveforms of the voices of beluga whales into wood on a lathe. You can locate the flying fox audio in this world by flying to each of the 3 trees. (press shift to fly faster) The scratches in the sky and scattered audio represent the voices of kookaburra, Australian raven, pied currawong and Australian magpie float around the perimeter like scratches in the sky. In Sydney, these species share the soundscapes. There are currently 2 other FOXP2 iterations - in Hyperfy: https://hyperfy.io/foxp2 and in New Art City: https://newart.city/show/foxp2 The skybox was generated with Blockade Labs Skybox AI. The flying foxes were recorded babbling in the tree outside my bedroom window. The other bird sounds all recorded by me around Sydney area. Created by Pearl Hyacinth aka Melody Owen


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