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Industrial Lichen

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Published on2024/03/27
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Xingzhi Shi is a visual designer blending art and technology. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering from Dalian University of Technology and an MFA in Communication Design from Pratt Institute, specializing in interdisciplinary design, including interactive and 3D design, AR, and VR. Mengyao Guo is an assistant professor at Shenzhen International School of Design, Harbin Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. candidate in Visual Communication at the University of Macau. Ze Gao is a new media artist and researcher. He teaches at the School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. "Industrial Lichen" uses an immersive experience to explore the impact of industrialization on ecological sustainability. It offers a virtual space on the STYLY platform for viewers to deeply engage with concepts of time, environmental evolution, and our coexistence with nature in a tech-driven age. This work enhances viewer-art interaction, showcasing WebVR's potential to deepen our understanding of environmental protection and sustainable development, urging reflection on humanity's role and impact on nature across time.


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