Cokaddicterium - Wanna float in Coke?
Have you ever spend time in Coke? Cokaddicterium is the place coke lover gathers. You can get addicted to Coke for free here! Hehehe. The world looks a amusement park but it has a background history why this place exists actually. Search around to find the why and the best place to see this spxxxship (SSHHH! This is secret!). Thanks for the free assets. [Human Sclupture](, [Trash Can](, [Manta](, [Whale](, [Bubble](, [Music](, [Burger](, [Shop](, [Penguin](, [Duck](, Photos by [Romain Morel]( on Unsplash, [King Text](, [Rocket Engine](, [Rock Cliff](